“I wasn’t ready for marriage”

“You can’t possibly understand the reality of marriage — the joy, the commitment, the love, the anger, the pain, the hope, the fulfillment, the excitements, the banalities, the journey, the sacrifices, the rewards, the journey — until you’re in it…”

“How many people have been scared away from the altar because of this phantom notion of “readiness”? How many marriages destroyed because, confused and struggling, one or both partners suddenly decided that they were “never ready” to be married?”

“…Perhaps the problem isn’t that we consider our “readiness” before we get married; it’s that we consider it wrongly….”

— Matt Walsh

Read more at The Matt Walsh Blog.


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2 Comments on “I wasn’t ready for marriage”

  1. Dunya says:

    Matt…it sounds so similar to “having a baby”. I remember my wife wanting one and I saying to her…are you crazy…there is no way we are ready. What I probably meant was “I” wasn’t ready. Very similar to the feelings I had when we first got married. But just like marriage, having kids has been an amazing journey and so well worth it. Don’t let the phantom of readiness stop you ever. You either know you’re the marrying and parent type or not. As a kid when I saw my future, I always saw myself married and with kids so if that’s you too…go ahead and make the plunge. You’ll love it!

  2. Hey Matt, Your are ready, believe it! As long as you love her, then no need to worry. You will find out out later on that you mad the right choice and you are ready indeed!